
The divine healing technician training teaches the biblical truths concerning how Jesus healed the sick. The DHT removes any excuses or traditions for a believer not to get out there and begin to heal the sick just as Jesus did. Jesus wants you to heal all the sick just as He did while on the earth.

There has always been controversy regarding speaking in other tongues. This training destroys the false traditions regarding tongues, while shining light on the reality of what God’s Word says. Other tongues have a diversity of uses, individually and corporately. God desires every believer to speak in tongues and walk in the benefits that come by praying in the Spirit. God has set tongues in the church, as long as the church is here, there shall be diversities of tongues.

The mystery that was hidden from the foundation of the world has been revealed, the new creation. Everything that God has put in of Jesus, He has put inside of you. If you are filled with the Spirit, then you have everything that you need for life and godliness. The New Man reveals what Christ has already accomplished. Its time to put off the old man to put off shame, condemnation, fear, guilt, and disobedience. Put on the new man who is renewed in knowledge according to Him.

The Word of God commands us to renew our minds. After being born again we become new creations. Our spirit has been recreated but it is our responsibility to renew our mind. You do not have head knowledge that needs to become heart knowledge. You already have heart knowledge, and after renewing your mind to the truth of God's word, the next step is to obey by putting into practice. In this training you will learn to rely on the mind of Christ while practically applying God's Word.

Swat training highlights the truths and principles that have been used in warfare throughout history. True Spiritual warfare can only successfully be done by a spiritual warrior. This training focuses on maturing the believer to walk in the disciplines of a warrior, while directing their attention to the enemy over whom we have already have the victory. The enemy has been defeated and we are here to enforce that defeat.

A Dominion Life Seminar may be a seminar based upon a specific topic or it can be a “by The Spirit” seminar similar to what is generally referred to as Holy Ghost Meetings. In “By The Spirit” Dominion Life Seminars, Brother Curry will deliver messages that will vary from local church specific messages to worldwide directives and prophetic topics. Brother Curry usually ministers alone during Dominion Life Seminars or with other JGLM Ministers.

A Divine Invasion Conference is an event in which Brother Curry ministers alongside those not formally affiliated with JGLM. A Divine Invasion Conference is usually hosted by a local JGLM church or affiliated ministry or LifeTeam. A Divine Invasion Conference is often conducted as the inaugural launch of an official JGLM Dominion Life Church. Divine Invasion Conference topics may vary but will usually be locally focused.